Urine Cleansing Products
1 Hour Cleansing Formulas
Our 1 hour cleansing products remove all toxins in as little as one hour. Over 80% of all employees are now subject to pre-employment drug testing and/or on the job drug screens. None of the 1 hour products create diluted samples and are completely undetectable. Test'in products, providing you with the results you need since 1993.
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Test Pure Magnum Force:
Test Pure Magnum Force:
Test Pure PLATINUM Magnum Force 1 Hour Liquid Formula is the ultimate carbohydrate-based drink available today! Eliminates the presence of all toxins. No other product on the market works faster. Available in Cherry, Orange and Tropical Fruit. Works in 1 hour. Effective for up to 5 hours. Ingredients and Product Label
Duz'z It:
Our Duz'z It one hour carbo drink is the largest on the market today. One full liter designed for heavy users to remove all toxins. Comes in three flavors. Grape, Orange, and Tropical Fruit Punch. Effective for up to 6 hours. Taste great! Ingredients and Product Label
Never Fail:
We combined two of our best 1 hour products to give you the confidence you need. This is the strongest one hour solution offered today. Effective for up to 6 hours. Designed for all toxins. Ingredients and Product Label
Emergency Capsules:
Designed for to remove all toxins in 1 hour with a 99.95% success rate. Effective for up to 6 hours. Completely undetectable. Ingredients and Product Label
The chewable tablet is designed to remove all toxins in just 45 minutes. Fast and effective for up to 5 hours. Great tasting Orange flavor. Ingredients and Product Label
Test'in Little Duz:
Works in one hour for moderate toxin exposure. last a full 5 hours two great tasting flavors. Orange and Tropical punch. For persons less than 150 pounds. Ingredients and Product Label
The One-hour Quick Flush Capsules are effective up to 4 hours. Just follow the simple instructions. Drink the correct amount of water to start your cleansing process. Works for all toxins. Ingredients and Product Label
Quick Flush Tea:
Fast and effective. Perfect for light to moderate toxins. Works in 90 minutes. Last for a full 4 hours. Great fruit punch flavor. Ingredients and Product Label
Test'in Pre-cleanse Tablets:
Recommended daily for a preparation or maintenance program. To help acclerate the elimination of all toxins. A one month supply of Test'in pre-cleanse tablets. Ingredients and Product Label
Our friendly support team is here 24 hours a day to assist you before, during, and after your cleansing process. Feel free to call us anytime with any questions you may have about our products or services. Call us toll free: 800 727-9640.